interactive media

You've made your first impression..... how is it working?


Many were pioneers in the industry, but few have evolved with it.   Your website conveys your intrinsic value. If it is not evolving... but staying the same, then what does that say about you?


There is a lot to consider when beginning the process of designing a comprehensive, functional website, mobile app or any other forms of electronic communication. Use this list to help your organization identify existing or potential web site requirements.


Your responses to these questions will also help us suggest solutions to any identified needs.

What are the demographics of your target audience and other potential visitors?


What information do you have on current web site visitors? What information would you like to have?


If your target audience only remembers one thing about your web site, what would you like it to be?


Do you have staff in your organization with web skills: design, coding, database integration, e-marketing?


Do you have an editorial team responsible for creating and updating content?


How do / will you maintain your site? How often?


Is your organization currently communicating with members and supporters via e-mail? How? How often?


Do/will you have rich media content that you'd like to use on the Web (e.g. Animation, Video, Audio, etc.)


How do / will you market your site?

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